Sunday, March 12, 2006

A Fun Weekend

The second week of classes has come and gone! Its been an amazing random weekend for me! My friend Jo, a girl whose family is from Hong Kong but raised in Great Britain, along with several of her friends where suppose to go to Tianjin for the weekend. However the weather turned for the worse Friday night with extremly cold weather and sand storms. We decided we would just spend the day in Beijing and do some exploring

We went for brunch at a cafe called Grandma's House which serves American style dishes and breakfast food. It was a good taste from home as we enjoyed milk shakes, burgers, salads, and other dishes that reminded us of home. Our crew was a pretty mixed group of people from Georgia, North Carolina, Texas, Michigan, Korea, Indonesia, China, and Japan! We then went to the silk market and did some shopping. I ran into a friend there name steve that I met at the silk market when i was here in November. We talked for awhile and then Jo and I went to purchase some business button t-shirts, tea cups, and a few other things.

Jo and I got to talk about things and found out we had lots of similar tastes in things! We enjoyed talking about the differences between the United States and Great Britian. It was fun poking fun at each other over the differences! We went to dinner for hot pot and then watched Eurotrip with her room mate who is chinese and we had to explain to her that Europe and America aren't like the stereo types in the movies.

It was a great relaxing weekend! Hope things are going great for everyone! Talk to ya soon!


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