Thursday, July 07, 2005

Things Learned in Vietnam

Vietnam was an amazing experience. Visiting a country that was a war zone only 30 years ago is an amazing opportunity. Everywhere there is propaganda promoting 30 years of unification of North and South Vietnam into the The Peoples Republic of Vietnam.

The people here are young with the average age only 25 most do not remember the war, while in America it seems to have a day to day reminder of what and who was lost to this horrible war. We have a bad taste in our mouths of Vietnam, one that will take many more years to wash out. The elderly, especially those in South Vietnam, are friendly towards Americans. It was a hard loss for the South and for America.

Things learned in Vietnam

1. Three best friends can become even closer than they where after experiencing a poverished company.

2. I learned the origin of Hong's mannerisms and belief system.

3. You truly learn more about one's friend by visiting and experiencing one's home.

4. Work for an American Company and get paid US Dollar, and spend Vietnamese Dong and you can live like a king.

5. Bush truly has given Americaán's a bad name on the international scene. I only met a few people from Europe that weren't disgusted by the fact I was an American.

6. Just like in America the food from the whole in the wall joints is much better than the high class restaurants. Trust me if you ate at just one of the places I haveeatenn at in the past two weeks you'll never hesitate to eat in ANY American restaurant again.

7. Vietnamese Families go out to eat dinner each night. Its just as cheap to eat out than to cook. The average meal cost is around 10000 dong or less than one US Dolalr. It is simply not possible in America.

8. Vietnamese music is amazing.

9. Two people can love and truly care about each other without being able to speak the same language.

10. Buddhismm doesn't confine one to simply attending church, its a day to day lifestyle, as should be Christianity. We're all enroute to the same destination, just on different airlines.

11. Always be at the airport atleast 1 hour prior to boarding.

12. Schedules are merely a suggestion and usually means 2 to 3 hours after a stated time of departure.

13. Entertainment in Vietnam is cheap. I was online for over 5 hours straight and had two cups of coffee for less than $1.20.

14. Im having achoreographedd wedding reception! LOL

15. Everyone wears sandals in Vietnam.

16. Tile floors are the norm in every household.

17. AC is limited to units only in certain rooms.

18. Showers are just a shower head above tile floor next to the toilet.

19. You have not lived until you've had to use a squat pan toilet.

20. You also have not lived until you've found out there is no toilet paper and water is the only source to clean your self.

21. Three guys can talk about more than just girls on a roadtrip.

22. Tiger Beer is much stronger than good ole Coors Light.

23. The American way isn't always the best way.

24. It can beextremelyy cold in a tropical country in the middle of summer.

25. When they say rainy season they weren't kidding.

26. Fresh fruit is awesome in tropical countries.

27. Avoid the milk at all costs. trust only that in the box.

28. Traffic is crazy but just go with the flow.

29. There's no way to find shoes to fit Americans in Vietnam, unless custom made.

30. Oranges can be green on the outside and still be ripe! just a different variety.

31. Vietnamese weddings are awesome!

32. Riding on a moped can be extremely tiring if doing it all day while shoe shopping.

33. No price is set!

34. KHONG = NO

35. There's a little bit of Asian in all of us Caucasians.

36. Durian fruits are spiky green on the outside, and yellow andextremelyy smelly on the inside.

37. Nuch Mon or Fish Sauce made from rotting fish in a barrel is so great and served with every meal.

Im sure I could go on and on with this list but I wanted to jot down a few important items I wanted to share with you before I got too carried away with settling down in Singapore.


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