Saturday, July 16, 2005

Asian Church BBQ

Jet Lag was getting to the Ags that just arrived in the area, however Drew and I have both been in the area for several weeks before arriving in Singapore. Drew met a girl named Eunic on the airplane over and has been hanging out with her on several occasions. She invited us to come to a Church picnic at one of HD housing areas.

Turns out the BBQ was just down the street from my house at one of the HDH buildings. We arrived around 11PM. Asian BBQs are similar to the ones we see in Texas. Hotdogs, Steaks, Chicken Wings, Satay, and Stingray are all grilled over charcoal. It was a great late night snack. We hung out talking to several people there and where invited to attend services if we where in town on Sunday. The students where very receptive and we had a great time.

I decided to go to the Satay club to see it in its final hour of operation. I talked to Mr. and Ms. Raffi for an hour or so over coffee before the club closed down. Hajj and several others all ride to work together so they offered me a ride home. I greatly accepted because expensive taxis are the only method of transportation available at those late night hours.

Tomorrow is a day on Sentosa Island!


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